
opencolorio_config_aces.generate_config_studio(data=None, config_name=None, profile_version=ProfileVersion('2.0'), validate=True, describe=ColorspaceDescriptionStyle.SHORT_UNION, config_mapping_file_path=PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/ CG and Studio Transforms - v1.0.0 - Studio Config - Mapping.csv'), scheme='Modern 1', additional_data=False)[source]#

Generate the ACES Studio OpenColorIO config.

The default process is as follows:

  • The ACES Studio OpenColorIO config generator invokes the ACES CG OpenColorIO config generator with the given studio config mapping file via the opencolorio_config_aces.generate_config_cg() definition.

  • The ACES CG OpenColorIO config generator invokes the aces-dev reference implementation OpenColorIO config generator via the opencolorio_config_aces.generate_config_aces() definition and the default reference config mapping file.

  • With the data from the aces-dev reference implementation OpenColorIO config generated, the ACES CG OpenColorIO config generator produces the ACES Studio OpenColorIO config by filtering and extending it with the given studio config mapping file.

  • data (ConfigData, optional) – OpenColorIO config data to derive the config from, the default is to use the ACES CG OpenColorIO config.

  • config_name (unicode, optional) – OpenColorIO config file name, if given the config will be written to disk.

  • profile_version (ProfileVersion, optional) – OpenColorIO config profile version.

  • validate (bool, optional) – Whether to validate the config.

  • describe (int, optional) – Any value from the opencolorio_config_aces.ColorspaceDescriptionStyle enum.

  • config_mapping_file_path (unicode, optional) – Path to the CSV mapping file used to describe the transforms mapping.

  • scheme (str, optional) – {“Legacy”, “Modern 1”}, Naming convention scheme to use.

  • additional_data (bool, optional) – Whether to return additional data.


OpenColorIO config or tuple of OpenColorIO config and opencolorio_config_aces.ConfigData class instance.

Return type:

Config or tuple